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Why Breast Cancer Awareness Is Important for All Individuals and Organizations!

Why Breast Cancer Awareness Is Important for All Individuals and Organizations!

Oct 04, 2021 Ayushi Tiwari

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, a yearly campaign which aims to spread awareness regarding the deadly disease.  

Campaigns most often focus on breast cancer as a women’s disease; however, according to The American Cancer Society, each year over 2,650 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and over 530 of these men will die from it.    

The challenge ahead!   

The aim of Breast Cancer Awareness Month is to share information and resources for communities across the US. The focus of this month also includes eliminating disparities among genders, since men, non-binary folks, and women are all at risk. Cancer is not just a physical illness but a social illness too, since it impacts the entire family, and social circles of an individual.  

It is critical for organizations to realize the impact of the disease, and host events to spread awareness among their workforce. For example, Breast Cancer Prevention Partners (BCPP) is an advocacy organization. They provide research and work towards raising visibility regarding exposure of toxins, radiation, and chemicals that can cause breast cancer. BCPP have been hosting a fundraiser event known as ‘Peak Hike for Prevention’ for the past 26 years.  

For companies who cannot meet in person, a virtual breast cancer awareness event is the answer to highlighting attention for this deadly disease. An informative awareness event can be hosted virtually, in-person or in a hybrid setup.

Why health and safety of your employees is crucial   

Nearly 1 in 8 (roughly 13%) women in the U.S. may develop invasive breast cancer throughout their lifetime according to the American Cancer Society. Similar statistics have reflected an alarming number of diagnoses in men. With the pertinence of the disease, many brands are organizing events during October to educate their employees to create a healthier workforce. 

 Breast cancer awareness at the workplace 

With exponentially increasing healthcare costs, there are many people with employer sponsored health insurance. Therefore, this is a great opportunity to promote awareness about breast cancer to men, women, and non-binary folk at the workplace. As we know, the pandemic has confined almost everyone to their homes. Organizing a virtual awareness event is a great way to increase employee engagement, and promote early detection.  

While planning your October employee engagement event, consider hosting a virtual breast cancer awareness event. This could be a major step towards cancer prevention for employees at your company.  



Source: employer sponsored cancer care  

Page 3 https://www.fightcancer.org/sites/default/files/Costs%20of%20Cancer%20-%20Final%20Web.pdf  


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